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513. The Mercury Witch

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January 12, 2009

Don't Fret

Edit: Just forget the explanation I gave, just stay with me and you'll see what I'm going on about. Just know I'm not going to go back to the beginning and redo all the pages. "Always moving forward" and all.

And my need to tell you NOTHING continues! HA! But don't worry, not for long. This is the end of chapter 7, if you don't like it, too bad- because I do!

Also, hey look! It completely slipped my mind that I promised to show you a Laura picture I received! This comes from Nick Perkins from the funny and adorable web comic Cooties

So! In OTHER news. ^_^; Razz is taking a break from Legends. I have this sick idea that I can do Cat Legend twice a week- but I am known to be quite delusional. Regardless of this well established fact, the next chapter (first chapter) will appear this week. We'll see what happens after that.

Incentives: Buzz and TWC have some different parts of the upcoming cover.

~ Moss of the ManageMent

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