Cat Legend is an epic, sprawling, fantasy comic. However, the message remains one of hope and family.
It involves multiple characters, settings, and times. Some might call it a mess. I call it "well loved".
This comic began when I was twelve and has evolved considerably (it's been decades-can you believe it?).
I will likely tinker and add to it forever because it is my version of therapy.
Mostly, it's a story about Cat, a reanimated golem, and his collected family.
The comic begins with some truly odd kids who escort a magic draining baby to a magic island. Weird, right?
To read more about them, I suggest starting on the cast page.
From there, the comic involves daring rescues, sword fights, a magic civil war, some death, a lot of growing up, and a ton of magic.
Hi! My name's Kat, but most people around here know me as Moss.
I don't remember why... it just happened. So, you want to know
a little about me? Well, I'm 5'2 and full of energy! I graduated
from the University of Oregon with a degree in Art.
That's right, I'm an official artist, with a document to
prove it... and NOT just from my cereal box! However, I have since collected a BS in IT and a MA in Education. It appears I'm collecting degrees now. Clearly, adulting is difficult.
Now that you know a wee bit about me, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to send them my way.
-The ManageMent.