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537. War Prep

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August 29, 2009

Country Fae


August 28, 2009


'The Magician' continues with this Friday installment of LEGENDS, the Cat-Legend side-comics. Just a few more pages and this storyline will come to a close with a shocking twist! Bum Bum BUUUUM! So stay-tuned, fans! (To read the whole story from the beginning, just go [HERE])

Cat Legend proper will be back on Monday in bright, shiny, full-color glory, so don't miss it!


August 24, 2009

Annnnd, we're back!

Loyal Cat Legend fans - we're back!

After a brief, unplanned hiatus, Moss and I are back in action! Today's comic brings us back into 'The Magician,' with a brand new page going up on Friday. The primary Cat Legend storyline will resume next Monday in full-color glory! Thanks for your patience, folks, and enjoy the show!


June 29, 2009

Ok. I suck.


It's done and it's still Monday (on my side of the world).

What? It was supposed to be done...last...week...SHUT UP! Don't rain on my parade! It's the little victories after all! I'm planning on spending the next part of my week long vacation creating a buffer. Wish me luck!

Ms. Moss

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